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Odour Elimination Using Chlorine Dioxide

• Neutralizes Odours

• Mould, Mildew, Bacteria Remediation

• Safe on most Fabrics

• Completely Non-Toxic

• Environmentally Friendly

Living Spaces

Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) is the active ingredient in Fresh Start Odour Treatment's line of products. It has been used for decades to ensure quality drinking water and is completely safe for use in home.

Fresh Start Odour Treatment:

  • pulls the ions out of odour causing molecules, rendering them inert
  • safe for most carpet & upholstery fabrics
  • disinfects kitchen & bathroom surfaces
  • safe to use around food products
  • removes pet odours from air and fabrics
  • eliminates tobacco smoke smells
  • cleans air of strong cooking smells
  • prevents mould & mildew from growing

Fresh Start Odour Treatment can be used anywhere in the home, from musty basements and crawl-spaces, to clothes closets and even around the litter box. It is safe to use around children and pets.


Fresh Start Odour Treatment does not use masking agents or odour absorbing compounds. The CLO2 vapour actually breaks the bonds of the odour causing compounds and eradicates the microorganisms emitting them. This leaves behind a faint "disinfectant" smell that dissipates quickly and leaves the vehicle smelling fresh and clean.


is a spray on cleaner that decontaminates surfaces and eliminates odours while cleaning the dirt and grime from your vehicle's upholstery and other surfaces.

Odor Rescue™

is a controlled vapour release system that is EPA approved.

Aquesan™   &   Odor Rescue™

Are perfect combination for use in any commercial car detailing establishment that really cares about their customer satisfaction.

Commercial Spaces

From motel rooms to commercial kitchens Fresh Start Odour Treatment's Chlorine Dioxide delivery systems can improve the air-quality and cleanliness of any space. Chlorine Dioxide can be used everyday to remove smells and disinfect surfaces in commercial buildings like hotel rooms.

It has been successfully used post-disaster to sterilize spaces, where flooding has left mould behind.

Chlorine Dioxide quickly bio-degrades making it safe to use around food products, and as a vapour, penetrates into crevices where mould and bacteria form, sanitizing the area. This, along with removing cooking odours from the air, make it a "goto" product for any commercial kitchen.

Real Estate Agents have successfully used Fresh Start Odour Treatment before an open house to give the space that clean, fresh smell.

Whatever you commercial space, Fresh Start Odour Treatment can clean it up and keep it smelling fresh.

Other Spaces

Some Ideas From Our Customers

From time-to-time our customers contact us to tell us a use for our products that we had not thought of, so here is a list of some innovative ideas:

If you have used our products in a unique way, please send us an email telling us how.

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